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Bridging western science and Indigenous approaches to education, research, and conservation: a panel

This panel, consisting of five Indigenous scientists and conservation biologists, will reflect on their personal journeys in science and conservation while highlighting fundamental principles and addressing questions related to Indigenous approaches to knowledge and conservation. One goal will be to assist the research community do a better job collaborating with Indigenous colleagues and communities and bridging western and Indigenous approaches to education, knowledge, and conservation. The panel will reach out to solicit questions from conference delegates prior to the conference and will incorporate these questions into the discussion.


Warren Cardinal-McTeague, University of British Columbia

Az Klymiuk, University of Manitoba

Shianne McKay, Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources

Allyson Menzies, University of Guelph

Gabriel Nemogá, University of Winnipeg

Moderator: Aerin Jacob, Nature Conservancy of Canada

Organizing assistance: Susan Lingle, University of Winnipeg

Schedule: June 13, 3:15 to 4:15 pm

Advanced registration is not required

Do you have questions for the panelists discussing how to bridge Indigenous approaches and western scientists? If so, please send questions on this form by Wednesday, May 31.


Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution AND Canadian Botanical Association

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